This week, Chris and Erika each share stories from their own lives and lives of their friends that revolve around breaking up and getting back together. Some people are in relationships for the right reasons, and some simply are not. Is the reason you want to be in a relationship because you feel like you have a lot to offer and would love to add someone to your life… or because you’re lonely? This is an important distinction that only you can make. 

This week, Erika and Chris tackle three questions from both friends and clients. Topics include ghosting, dating after divorce, and the right time to start dating again.

Most of us try to make a great first impression, especially when it comes to dating. Sometimes, though, trying to come off as your best self backfires and you end up being someone you don’t want to be. Have you ever accidentally had too much to drink to impress a date? Or, maybe you’ve done something way outside your comfort zone? In this week’s episode, guest Beth shares a personal story, and then Chris and Erika discuss what happens when you try a bit too hard to impress your date.

Have you ever had someone judge you for something that’s completely not his or her business? Or, maybe someone doesn’t understand your life choices, so rather than asking about them, the default is to put you down or make assumptions? Being different is great. Being judged for being different — not so much. In today’s episode, Erika and Chris each share some stories about how outside judgment has affected their own lives and their relationships.

Once you enter a relationship, the work is not over. In fact, that’s often just the beginning. This week, Erika and Chris answer clients’ questions on intimacy, moving in, and the age-old question of whether men and women can be friends.

Why do we want what we can’t have? Does the chase make the outcome sweeter? If we have 10 amazing things (or people) in front of us, why do we focus on the one who’s not there? This week, Chris and Erika each share stories, and Erika covers four theories on why exactly we go for the one we can’t have.

Some relationships stand the test of time because you’re happy and can’t wait to see your partner every day. And, unfortunately, some relationships endure for the wrong reasons. It’s difficult to know when to stick it out and when to throw in the towel. Should you move out or have a baby together? Should you trek cross country together or break up? On today’s episode, a guest shares his story of staying in a relationship despite red flags and then Erika and Chris discuss reasons one might stay a bit too long and ways we rationalize making that decision.

Relationships are not easy. There’s no denying that. And sometimes once you invest more time and energy, it’s hard to know whether to keep investing or to cut things off if the investment is not showing you returns (i.e. happiness). This week, our guest Wendy shares a very personal story about a relationship that goes longer than it perhaps should, and Erika and Chris discuss the implications.

Ghosting — the act of ending a relationship without actually ending it — is bad, and our guest Becca shares her experience. Then, Erika and Chris delve into other modern dating behaviors (and their “interesting” names) and what they mean for all of us.