Oh, that pesky thing we call expectations. Many people go online to find “the one,” or at least a long-term partner. That goal is fine, of course. But what’s not fine is measuring “success” to that standard, much of which is not in our control. Online dating is not a spouse-finder, soulmate producer, or magic wand; it is simply a tool, or vehicle — much like the gym — that is available for use in order to meet people. With this tool still comes work, time, and personal accountability. And each and every date you go on is part of the process and the journey… so don’t discount that. 

Standing someone up is not okay, but unfortunately, it does happen on occasion. So, Erika and Chris, after each sharing stories about getting stood up, share their top five tips on how to cope with getting stood up and move past it.

Why do we want what we can’t have? Does the chase make the outcome sweeter? If we have 10 amazing things (or people) in front of us, why do we focus on the one who’s not there? This week, Chris and Erika each share stories, and Erika covers four theories on why exactly we go for the one we can’t have.