Whether it’s a hobby, a habit, or an obsession — or a little of each — in every relationship, there has to be a compromise. Do you love Taco Bell but your partner hates it? Maybe get one fewer chalupa per week. Does your partner load the dishwasher in a less-than-efficient fashion? Maybe load it yourself from now on. This week, Erika and Chris talk about people’s idiosyncrasies and how to either work around those or embrace them in a relationship.

Someone asks you to do something… maybe it’s a drink, maybe a coffee, or maybe a trip to Disneyland. But, it is a date? Erika and Chris discuss how to know whether something is a date or not. Is it the language someone uses when he or she asks? Is it the activity you do? Should we all just be in the dark, or should we just ask, “Is this a date?”