In this week’s episode, which leaves one left to get to episode 100, Erika and Chris re-share what is quite possibly the most epic dating story ever — the one that started this whole journey. They then reflect on some of the more memorable stories and express how much this podcast has meant to them. 

This week, Erika and Chris revisit two stories from their past — one about a date that didn’t get off on the right foot and another about what might constitute an appropriate dinner date. They compare their responses three years ago to how they feel today. If you’d like to listen to the original episode, feel free to do so here:

While Erika and Chris start planning for a new season of the show, we thought you’d enjoy listening to some of the highlights from the last few months. This week, Chris shares some of his favorite moments.

The ability to change is important… but how much can–or should–someone change to be in a relationship? And, on the flipside, how much can–or should–you ask someone to change? Erika and Chris each have a story talking about change. In Erika’s case, there was one quality in a date that she couldn’t flippin’ take anymore! And in Chris’ case, well, a Subway sandwich strikes again.

You’re on a first date. The check comes. What happens next? In this episode, Erika and Chris discuss the ins and outs of paying for dates. Who does it? Is there an obligation for the man to pay? How should the woman respond? Erika starts with a story about a latte, a baking dish and more. Then Chris brings us a few stories, about Mexican food and Subway. While you are listening, take a moment to share your opinion on our survey below, and be entered to win a $50 gift card to our favorite sandwich shop. But remember, if you can swing your food, it’s probably not appropriate for dinner.

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