Have you ever gone on a date and the person you meet is not what they look like in their profile picture? Unfortunately, it happens more often than we’d like. The horrors of fake, bad or misleading profile pictures is one of the biggest topics in online dating. So what types of pictures should you use? Which pictures shouldn’t you post? In this episode, Erika and Chris discuss the pros and cons of posting real profile pictures.

Erika starts us off with a story about age and height, and Chris dives into a story about time-stamps on profile pictures. While you listen, here’s a great list of profile picture tips.

  • Have at least 3 – 5 pictures of yourself.  Any more than 5 you run the risk of turning someone off.
  • Always be alone in your pictures. No one wants to play “Where’s Waldo?” with your photos,
    and you risk having someone be more attracted to your friend than you.
  • Have CURRENT photos, in the last 1 or at most 2 years. They should be recent.
    If your pictures are more than 5 years old, get new ones taken.
  • Have at least 1 face picture.
  • Make sure your pictures are not blurry, small, cropped, edited, photoshopped or anything else
    that distracts from what you really look like.

Remember, people are looking to meet the real you, not a made up version of the you, you believe they want.

What are some of your profile picture tips? Share your tips and this week’s podcast with your friends.

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